Helen Scorsone

Del Webb, Ave Maria, recently had their Social Director resign and Kelly Guarascio has so kindly stepped up to keep our Oasis Club running strong, keeping our activities going while continuing her normal responsibilities.  She is always available for the residents here at Del Webb, Ave Maria to help in any way and I really appreciate that. I know she is actively looking for a replacement for the currently position as Director at the Oasis Club with all the residents in mind to find the best fit for our community. Our properties are well maintained and I know Kelly is on top of this every day too.

But, the real reason I am writing this note is because I recently attended a social gathering at the Oasis Club and saw Kelly handle a very upset resident who was upset over, what I thought to be such a minor concern, with excellent professionalism and understanding of this residents concerns. Kelly calmed this resident down and defused the situation that was starting to get ugly. I was extremely impressed. I usually do not write this type of letter but just could not let this observation pass without acknowledgement.

On a more personal note, Kelly does a fantastic job at the Oasis and in our community. Our community is well maintained, clean and it is a pleasure to live in this wonderful Del Webb community. Kelly has the unique ability to oversee our community with the upmost professionalism and it is my opinion that Kelly is a fantastic asset to our community.

PS: A quick note about, Ben, at the Gold Club here at Ave Maria. I am not a member of Panther Run, but decided to take golf lessons. I never held a golf club in my hand and may I say how fantastic, kind and understanding Ben is. Such a gentlemen!! He has the patients of a saint. I really enjoyed taking lessons with Ben, another great asset to our community.